CIM++ Adapted CIM_SINERGIEN Codebase
#include <RatioTapChanger.h>
A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer.
IEC61970::Base::Wires::RatioTapChangerTable* IEC61970::Base::Wires::RatioTapChanger::RatioTapChangerTable |
The tap ratio table for this ratio tap changer.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::PerCent IEC61970::Base::Wires::RatioTapChanger::stepVoltageIncrement |
Tap step increment, in per cent of nominal voltage, per step position.
IEC61970::Base::Wires::TransformerControlMode IEC61970::Base::Wires::RatioTapChanger::tculControlMode |
Specifies the regulation control mode (voltage or reactive) of the RatioTapChanger.