CIM++ Adapted CIM_SINERGIEN Codebase
#include <TapChanger.h>
Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::controlEnabled |
Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::highStep |
Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral. The attribute shall be greater than lowStep.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Seconds IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::initialDelay |
For an LTC, the delay for initial tap changer operation (first step change)
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::lowStep |
Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::ltcFlag |
Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::neutralStep |
The neutral tap step position for this winding. The attribute shall be equal or greater than lowStep and equal or less than highStep.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Voltage IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::neutralU |
Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::normalStep |
The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding. For a "Fixed" tap changer indicates the current physical tap setting. The attribute shall be equal or greater than lowStep and equal or less than highStep.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Float IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::step |
Tap changer position. Starting step for a steady state solution. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous tap variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete tap changers has yet been designed, a solutions where a narrow voltage band force the tap step to oscillate or accommodate for a continuous solution as input. The attribute shall be equal or greater than lowStep and equal or less than highStep.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Seconds IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::subsequentDelay |
For an LTC, the delay for subsequent tap changer operation (second and later step changes)
IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChangerControl* IEC61970::Base::Wires::TapChanger::TapChangerControl |
The regulating control scheme in which this tap changer participates.