CIM++ Adapted CIM_SINERGIEN Codebase
#include <PhaseTapChangerLinear.h>
Describes a tap changer with a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer. This is a mathematical model that is an approximation of a real phase tap changer. The phase angle is computed as stepPhaseShitfIncrement times the tap position. The secondary side voltage magnitude is the same as at the primary side.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::AngleDegrees IEC61970::Base::Wires::PhaseTapChangerLinear::stepPhaseShiftIncrement |
Phase shift per step position. A positive value indicates a positive phase shift from the winding where the tap is located to the other winding (for a two- winding transformer). The actual phase shift increment might be more accurately computed from the symmetrical or asymmetrical models or a tap step table lookup if those are available.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Reactance IEC61970::Base::Wires::PhaseTapChangerLinear::xMax |
The reactance depend on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The maximum reactance (xMax) appear at the low and high tap positions.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Reactance IEC61970::Base::Wires::PhaseTapChangerLinear::xMin |
The reactance depend on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The minimum reactance (xMin) appear at the mid tap position.