#include <ICCPVirtualControlCenter.h>
This contains the information that a particular actor exposes for a particular agreed upon ICCP Bilateral Table.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::calling |
Used to indicate if the Provider is responsible for initiating the TASE.2 connection. If the value is TRUE, the provider is responsible for establishing the association. If the value is FALSE, the peer provider of the Bilateral Table will need to establish the association.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::clientAndServer |
If True the value indicates that the entity represented by the bilateral table is capable of issuing requests and responding to request (e.g. bidirectional support of ICCP requests).
If False, this indicates that a calling entity (e.g. calling = True) will not be able to respond to ICCP requests. If False, and calling=False, this indicates that the entity will only respond to ICCP requests and not issue ICCP requests.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::minimumUpdateInterval |
Specifies the fastest update interval that can be provided for integrity information and Transfer Set creation. The value is in seconds.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::nameOfLocalICC |
Specifies the ICC scope name that the remote can use to access the information in the Bilateral Table if the information is not VCC scoped. This value may not be null.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::supportForBlock1 |
Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for basic services. Must always be true.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::supportForBlock2 |
Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for extended conditions.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::supportForBlock3 |
Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for blocked transfers.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::supportForBlock4 |
Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for information messages.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::supportForBlock5 |
Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for device control.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::supportForDepriciatedBlock8 |
Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for accounts. The use of this block was deprecated in Edition 3.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61970::Base::ICCPConfiguration::ICCPVirtualControlCenter::TransportSecurityRequirement |
If true, then transport level security as specified by IEC 62351-6 is required.