CIM++ Adapted CIM_SINERGIEN Codebase
Public Attributes | List of all members
IEC61970::Base::Wires::Clamp Class Reference

#include <Clamp.h>

Inheritance diagram for IEC61970::Base::Wires::Clamp:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for IEC61970::Base::Wires::Clamp:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

IEC61970::Base::Domain::Length lengthFromTerminal1
- Public Attributes inherited from IEC61970::Base::Core::Equipment
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean aggregate
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean normallyInService
- Public Attributes inherited from IEC61970::Base::Core::PowerSystemResource
std::list< IEC61970::Base::Meas::Control * > Controls
std::list< IEC61970::Base::Meas::Measurement * > Measurements
- Public Attributes inherited from IEC61970::Base::Core::IdentifiedObject
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String aliasName
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String description
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String mRID
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String name
std::list< IEC61970::Base::DiagramLayout::DiagramObject * > DiagramObjects

Detailed Description

A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment. A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode.

Member Data Documentation

IEC61970::Base::Domain::Length IEC61970::Base::Wires::Clamp::lengthFromTerminal1

The length to the place where the clamp is located starting from side one of the line segment, i.e. the line segment terminal with sequence number equal to 1.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: