#include <MerchantAccount.h>
The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which the vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments. Transactions via vendor shift debit the account and bank deposits via bank statement credit the account.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Money IEC61968::PaymentMetering::MerchantAccount::currentBalance |
The current operating balance of this account.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Money IEC61968::PaymentMetering::MerchantAccount::provisionalBalance |
The balance of this account after taking into account any pending debits from VendorShift.merchantDebitAmount and pending credits from BankStatement. merchantCreditAmount or credits (see also BankStatement attributes and VendorShift attributes).
std::list<IEC61968::PaymentMetering::Transactor*> IEC61968::PaymentMetering::MerchantAccount::Transactors |
All transactors this merchant account is registered with.
std::list<IEC61968::PaymentMetering::VendorShift*> IEC61968::PaymentMetering::MerchantAccount::VendorShifts |
All vendor shifts that operate on this merchant account.