#include <SwitchingStep.h>
Atomic switching step; can be part of a switching step group, or of the switching plan.
IEC61968::Common::CrewMember* IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::CrewMember |
Crew member responsible for this switching step.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::description |
Free text description of this activity.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::DateTime IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::executedDateTime |
Actual date and time of this switching step.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::isFreeSequence |
If true, the sequence number serves for presentation purposes only, and the activity itself may be executed at any time.
IEC61968::Common::Operator* IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::Operator |
Operator responsible for this switching step.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::DateTime IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::plannedDateTime |
Planned date and time of this switching step.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61968::Operations::SwitchingStep::sequenceNumber |
Order of this activity in the sequence of activities within the switching plan.