#include <Incident.h>
Description of a problem in the field that may be reported in a trouble ticket or come from another source. It may have to do with an outage.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61968::Operations::Incident::cause |
Cause of this incident.
std::list<IEC61968::Customers::CustomerNotification*> IEC61968::Operations::Incident::CustomerNotifications |
All notifications for a customer related to the status change of this incident.
std::list<IEC61968::Customers::IncidentHazard*> IEC61968::Operations::Incident::Hazards |
All hazards associated with this incident.
IEC61968::Operations::Outage* IEC61968::Operations::Incident::Outage |
Outage for this incident.
IEC61968::Common::Operator* IEC61968::Operations::Incident::Owner |
Operator who owns this incident.
std::list<IEC61968::Work::Work*> IEC61968::Operations::Incident::Works |
All works addressing this incident.