#include <EndDeviceControl.h>
Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::drProgramLevel |
Level of a demand response program request, where 0=emergency. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it).
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::drProgramMandatory |
Whether a demand response program request is mandatory. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it).
IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceAction* IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::EndDeviceAction |
End device action issued by this end device control.
IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControlType* IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::EndDeviceControlType |
Type of this end device control.
std::list<IEC61968::Metering::EndDevice*> IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::EndDevices |
All end devices receiving commands from this end device control.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::issuerID |
Unique identifier of the business entity originating an end device control.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::issuerTrackingID |
Identifier assigned by the initiator (e.g. retail electric provider) of an end device control action to uniquely identify the demand response event, text message, or other subject of the control action. Can be used when cancelling an event or text message request or to identify the originating event or text message in a consequential end device event.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::FloatQuantity IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::priceSignal |
(if applicable) Price signal used as parameter for this end device control.
IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceTiming IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::primaryDeviceTiming |
Timing for the control actions performed on the device identified in the end device control.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::reason |
Reason for the control action that allows to determine how to continue processing. For example, disconnect meter command may require different processing by the receiving system if it has been issued for a network-related reason (protection) or for a payment-related reason.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::DateTimeInterval IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::scheduledInterval |
(if control has scheduled duration) Date and time interval the control has been scheduled to execute within.
IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceTiming IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::secondaryDeviceTiming |
Timing for the control actions performed by devices that are responding to event related information sent to the primary device indicated in the end device control. For example, load control actions performed by a PAN device in response to demand response event information sent to a PAN gateway server.
std::list<IEC61968::Metering::UsagePointGroup*> IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::UsagePointGroups |
All usage point groups receiving commands from this end device control.
std::list<IEC61968::Metering::UsagePoint*> IEC61968::Metering::EndDeviceControl::UsagePoints |
All usage points receiving commands from this end device control.