#include <PricingStructure.h>
Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer. The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::String IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::code |
Unique user-allocated key for this pricing structure, used by company representatives to identify the correct price structure for allocating to a customer. For rate schedules it is often prefixed by a state code.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::dailyCeilingUsage |
Absolute maximum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::dailyEstimatedUsage |
Used in place of actual computed estimated average when history of usage is not available, and typically manually entered by customer accounting.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Integer IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::dailyFloorUsage |
Absolute minimum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage.
IEC61968::Customers::RevenueKind IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::revenueKind = IEC61968::Customers::RevenueKind::_undef |
(accounting) Kind of revenue, often used to determine the grace period allowed, before collection actions are taken on a customer (grace periods vary between revenue classes).
std::list<IEC61968::Customers::Tariff*> IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::Tariffs |
All tariffs used by this pricing structure.
IEC61970::Base::Domain::Boolean IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::taxExemption |
True if this pricing structure is not taxable.
std::list<IEC61968::PaymentMetering::Transaction*> IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::Transactions |
All transactions applying this pricing structure.
std::list<IEC61968::Metering::UsagePoint*> IEC61968::Customers::PricingStructure::UsagePoints |
All service delivery points (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer) to which this pricing structure applies.